B4Win Backup :
Files are the most important part of computers.Games ,Videos ,Documents and many other personal things that makes us feel good.But just think about it if even a single file of a game,a small part of a video, or just due to a severe virus attack all your documents just do not open.........
So one of the best solution is backup files or encrypt (protect) files by hiding or just some encryption can save you from disaster.Here comes in to role Back4Win.
How to install :
* Download the file from the given discription (1.23 Mb)
* Run the file.
* Then in User Account Control accept it.
* Then Follow the steps.
* Install it (Select the destination).
* Open.
How does it work :
It basically do is compress the file and store it in a zip file which you can compress to a specified file size (note that large amount of data and more compression can cause a little bad format but its still safe) ,edit it i.e can add files or remove files . Do not fear the prewiev.Just make it simple.
How to do it :
a) Create a zip file anywhere you want to back up.
b) Now open Back4Win
c) Select the zip file you created by OPEN on the title bar next to NEW ZIP
d) Select the .zip you created
e) Now add the files by clicking on the folder/file and write zip
f) You can set the compression ratio to maximum.
g) And you backed up the files.....which you can edit again and again...........
Theory :
Losing Data (computer files) is at its least a little disconcerting, at most the potential failure of your business. Backup software used regularly ensures your computer against these losses by storing copies of your data in a safe place. Back4Win is free, and is highly regarded by thousands of users as a no-cost solution for data integrity.
Files are the most important part of computers.Games ,Videos ,Documents and many other personal things that makes us feel good.But just think about it if even a single file of a game,a small part of a video, or just due to a severe virus attack all your documents just do not open.........
So one of the best solution is backup files or encrypt (protect) files by hiding or just some encryption can save you from disaster.Here comes in to role Back4Win.
How to install :
* Download the file from the given discription (1.23 Mb)
* Run the file.
* Then in User Account Control accept it.
* Then Follow the steps.
* Install it (Select the destination).
* Open.
How does it work :
It basically do is compress the file and store it in a zip file which you can compress to a specified file size (note that large amount of data and more compression can cause a little bad format but its still safe) ,edit it i.e can add files or remove files . Do not fear the prewiev.Just make it simple.
How to do it :
a) Create a zip file anywhere you want to back up.
b) Now open Back4Win
c) Select the zip file you created by OPEN on the title bar next to NEW ZIP
d) Select the .zip you created
e) Now add the files by clicking on the folder/file and write zip
f) You can set the compression ratio to maximum.
g) And you backed up the files.....which you can edit again and again...........
Theory :
Losing Data (computer files) is at its least a little disconcerting, at most the potential failure of your business. Backup software used regularly ensures your computer against these losses by storing copies of your data in a safe place. Back4Win is free, and is highly regarded by thousands of users as a no-cost solution for data integrity.
Key features:
- Can restore from a disk which has lost the directory reference (most ZIP programs cannot do this).
- Optionally backup your data as an EXE file that can be expanded on most machines without decompression software
- Easy to use Backup Freeware
- Many features including spanned and Huge backups
- Keeping It So Simple.
- Restore from damaged backups, or even spanned backups with missing or damaged disks (directory disk is not needed)
- Backups are labeled with a unique easy-to-find time stamp
- Variable compression rates to suit different machine specifications (older machines perform faster with lower compression rates)
- Powerful arrangement of backup size - spanning disks, predefined disk size to suit CDR and CDRW media etc.
- Optional Password locking of the ZIP file ensures you or your licensee are the only ones able to access sensitive data
- This backup utility is reliable, and simple
- Powerful arrangement of
backup size - spanning disks, predefined disk size to suit CDR CDRW media etc. - Logical, easy-to-use functions without annoying pop-up windows
- Various modes of backup operation provide easier and faster ways of doing your backups
- The Restore window lets you select single, several or all files of a backup set to restore
- Does not have 2Gb and 65535 file limit of other ZIP backup programs PLEASE GIVE REWIEWS FOR THE BETTERMENT OF DATA AND HELPING OTHERS !!!!!!!B4win download!!!Enjoy!!!!
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