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Windows 10[Tips And Tricks]

                     Windows 10 Tips and Tricks

Windows 10 is out and millions of people are already running it, let's take a look at some of the best hidden features, tips, and tricks in the operating system.
If you are still thinking about whether to insatll windows 10 or not my suggestion would be to try it atleast once.It combines the best of Windows 8 — super-fast startup, improved security — with much of what made Windows 7 familiar and easy to use, and without trying to force you to buy a touch screen or learn a whole set of hidden UI gestures.

 1. Task view and virtual desktops

One of the best things about Windows 10 is how it handles virtual desktops. The fact that it finally handles them at all, out of the box, is a great step, since Mac OS X and Linux users have had that capability for a long time. It lets you set up a series of tasks and windows on your desktop, your email and Twitter window on another, and a third for general Web browsing and research. 
To get started, right click the task view which is situated at the right of the search box, or hold down the Windows key  and Tab. 

2.Keyboard shortcuts

Here are some keyboard shortcuts you may want to be aware of — ones that will really help your daily workflow:
  • Windows Key-Tab [Task View]
  • Windows Key-Right-Up [Moves app to top right quadrant]
  • Windows Key-Ctrl-Left or Right [virtual desktop]
  • Windows Key-Ctrl-D [new virtual desktop]
  • Windows Key-Ctrl-C [Cortana listening]
  • Windows Key-S [Daily Glance for weather, news, sports]
  • Windows Key-Ctrl-F4 [closes virtual desktop]
  • Windows Key-Up and Down [snap apps to top or bottom of screen or maximizes].

3.Customize the Start Menu

The new Start Menu is such a huge improvement over what came with Windows 8.1 . It combines the best elements of Windows 7 and Windows 8. And it's also fully customizable. If you are very much in love with the windows 7 you can unpin all the Microsoft tile to make it look like windows 7.
For a while, during some of the Windows 10 Technical Preview builds, you could pin the Recycle Bin to the taskbar, which makes it a bit more like OS X. Unfortunately, that functionality seems to be gone in the release version, though you can still pin it to the Start Menu as a tile.

4.Windows Explorer Home tab and Quick Access

Windows Explorer windows are a lot more useful this time around, thanks to a new Home tab . It makes file copies a cinch. If you look at the top left of the window, you'll see a new Quick Access group that lets you navigate to recently accessed folders. That makes it much easier to maintain a fast workflow as you navigate around your computer's file system.

5.Make sure WiFi Sense is off

You may feel differently about this, but I certainly don't like the idea of Windows 10 sharing my network's WiFi password with other people. I'll do that myself in each case, thanks.How to make sure if your computer is doing it or not — and if it is, how to turn it off.

6.Find the original Control Panel

The new Settings panel is easy to navigate and makes more sense than the crufty old Control Panel, but you'll still need the latter to access some deeper options in the system. It's easy to call up, even though it's hidden; just type Control Panel in the Search bar at the bottom left in the taskbar.
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